Walnut Creek Little League
Since 1963, Walnut Creek Little League has been an anchor of the community as a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide a safe, instructional and fun baseball & softball environment for the children of Walnut Creek. We are chartered under the umbrella of
Little League International, Inc., and part of Little League
Western Region,
District 4.
Our league operates as an all-volunteer program, and therefore relies on the support of our network of families, local businesses, corporate and community sponsors. Through this outpouring of support, Walnut Creek Little League continues this tradition and mission so that over 800 boys and girls can participate in eleven different divisions of baseball and softball programs each year.
Little League International
Better than any other youth sport activity, baseball and softball have become the thread that has sewn together a patchwork of nations and cultures around the world. Children in diverse nations such as Israel, Jordan, Russia, Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia, Poland, Mexico, China, Venezuela, South Africa and the U.S. have discovered baseball and softball -- Little League Baseball and Softball - are ways to bring their people a sport that mirrors life itself.
Baseball and softball embody the discipline of teamwork. They challenge players toward perfection of physical skills and bring into play the excitement of tactics and strategy. The very nature of baseball and softball also teach that while every player eventually strikes out or is on the losing team, there is always another chance for success in the next at-bat or game. Millions of children on six continents and scores of countries can attest that baseball, softball and Little League are synonymous. Little League is a heritage to be carried forward proudly in the future by ever increasing waves of those devoted to teaching children how to play and enjoy these great games.
Basically, Little League has three structural components, each dependent upon the other and each vital to the success of the program.
The administrative and service core of the movement is
Little League Baseball, Incorporated, a non-profit membership organization that maintains the international program, with Little League International in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Part of the Little League International structure includes various Regional Centers in the U.S. and throughout the world.
The next component is the District. All the leagues within a District (a geographical area usually encompassing 10-20 leagues) elect a District Administrator (DA). The DA and his/her staff of Assistant District Administrators serve as liaisons between the various Regional Headquarters and the local Little Leagues. They are usually the most experienced Little League volunteers in the area and are charged with helping to ensure that all the volunteers in their districts are well trained, and all the leagues are operating within the guidelines set by Little League. The District Administrator does not have the authority to suspend, limit or revoke any rules, regulations or privileges of charter by a local Little League, but may recommend such action to the Charter Committee in Williamsport.
The final, most important component is the
local Little League. The league provides its services in the community. It furnishes physical facilities, volunteer services and resources to provide a program for children. Through effective leadership and strong administrative policy at the top level, together with training extensions and adherence to rule and policy at District and local league level, Little League is able to provide liberal benefits to children who participate.
Mailing Address
Walnut Creek Little League
PO Box 3235
Walnut Creek, CA 94598