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Jan, 2025

The Season is About To Start! A Guide for What to Get Your Player

What To Get?

For newer families and those in younger divisions, asking "what they need to get" for their players.  The answers can vary depending on division and player, among other things.  However, here is a short rundown that should be helpful for most families:

The League will provide jerseys, belts, hats (visors for softball) and socks.

PANTS:  You'll need to get pants, but you can wait until you hear from your Coach within the next month so he/she can inform you of your precise jersey color to get matching/complementary pants (generally, you can't go wrong with white and gray, however, particularly since it’s great to have extra pairs for practices when players are not wearing uniforms). You'll probably want two pairs, at least.

BAT:  A bat with a “USA” stamp (NOT USSSA) will satisfy Little League requirements for baseball. Softball bats should be USSSA labeled with a BPF of 1.20. Bats come in different lengths and weights for players of all sizes. Little League answers FAQs here for baseball bat specifications, and rules for softball bats here (scroll down to Little League Softball). If you don’t know what to get, ask your coach for advice. Most youth players end up with a bat that is too heavy, so keep this in mind.  No “Tee Ball bats” (usually 24”-26” bats labeled as such) for players in Single-A division and above.

HELMET:  NOCSAE-approved. One that fits comfortably (not too loose nor too tight). Face mask/face shield optional.  Softball face masks: While not required, we strongly recommend all pitchers in upper divisions wear a face mask due to the shorter distance from the mound to home plate. Some infielders in upper divisions choose to wear one too.

GLOVE:  Fits well. If not used, "breaking it in" well so that your player can close it. A t-ball glove is probably too small for players after about the age of 7. 


CLEATS:  With "cleats," you can look at soccer cleats--they're more versatile to use for baseball/soccer/football if baseball is not a primary/exclusive sport for your player (whereas baseball cleats cannot be used for other youth sports). For Peanuts, cleats may be more optional.

Baseball Bag/Backpack:   To hold a bat, glove, helmet, maybe a ball or two, and other things (water bottles). Peanuts and even Farm can utilize a very basic long bat bag whereas higher divisions may prefer the backpack that can hold a bat. Personal preference prevails here.

Extras:  This can get a bit nebulous.  Batting gloves, eye black, extra balls to practice with (there's softer ones for Peanuts players), even a practice tee, ball bucket (for you to lug stuff around). Again, all things you can have and they're fun, but far from being must-haves since WCLL will have tees/balls for the games, etc.

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